General Assembly First Committee

About GA1

At EGIMUN, each of the General Assemblies are focused on a subset of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the General Assembly First Committee (GA1), these are SDGs 1-6, which fall under the theme of The Individual, as they affect individuals on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of having such unique themes for the General Assemblies is to allow delegates to engage in more realistic and impactful debate.

In the 2023 session of EGIMUN, the SDGs considered in GA1 were “SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being” and “SDG 5 – Gender Equality”

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals 

Issues on the Agenda

Click on the issue for the issue report.

1. Addressing neglected tropical diseases and developing strategies for their control and elimination.

2. Promoting the development of nature-based solutions to improve water resources in water-stressed regions.

Rules of Procedure

Delegates in GA1 will be representing the country assigned to them, and will be debating resolutions on the issues above. For more detailed rules of procedure, click here.

Meet the Chairs

Marco Gregoriou

GA1 Chair

Ayeesha Gomaa

 GA1 Deputy Chair

Karim El Hamawy

 GA1 Deputy Chair