General Assembly Third Committee

About GA3

At EGIMUN, each of the General Assemblies are focused on a subset of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the General Assembly Third Committee (GA3), these are SDGs 13-17, which fall under the theme of The World, as they affect the world on a larger scaleThe purpose of having such unique themes for the General Assemblies is to allow delegates to engage in more realistic and impactful debate.

In the 2023 session of EGIMUN,“SDG 13 – Climate Action” and “SDG 15 – Life on Land” were selected.

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals 

Issues on the Agenda

Click on the issue to access the issue report.

1. Addressing the threat of isolated animal extinctions on terrestrial ecosystems.

2. Combating maritime terrorism and modern piracy.

Rules of Procedure

Delegates in GA3 will be representing the country assigned to them, and will be debating resolutions on the issues above. For more detailed rules of procedure, click here.

Meet the Chairs 

Sibba Abdelal

 GA3 Chair

Ibrahim Zeineldin

GA3 Deputy Chair

Mariam Gamali

GA3 Deputy Chair